Tag: Randomosity…

Miracles are Man-Made…

For those of you who haven’t heard, a close friend of mine (Buddy) has been living albeit without vision for a number of years. Earlier this month he finally had a procedure done that would allow him his vision back to an extent. This is indeed a great time for him and his family. His wife is optimistic and as a family this is a triumph over adversity. It is looking as if the procedure was a success and Buddy is reporting he can see more and more every day (the recovery from his procedure will take a month).

To commemorate the event, his wife has made a little video with her singing to him.


THIS is what life’s about.



Taking a break.

Due to a virtual gray area in case handling. I am getting exhausted in revieing some 154 cases I currently have in progress at work.

Mean little to you I know, but it’s starting to affect the ol’ wallet.

And that aint cool in TonyTown.


Worn out…..

Okay, it’s pretty common knowledge that I’ve been up late alot working on the new Kingdom content management system for the all the local parks n stuff.

It’s wearing me out, but I am almost DONE!

One park template is done except for the heraldry graphic (which has to be tight or it doesnt go up). The current stuff is funky enough as it is without my adding worse stuff to it 😉

Anyhow…also debuting is my blog-site’s cross posting plugin for myspace. Basicly what this does is sends a short clip and link to my ms account so when i post to my blog site everyone subscribed to my myspace blog will know and can come running over to TonyTown to see what is going on 😉


That is all, I am pooped. I need booty, a good nights sleep, and…nope thats about it!

Night all…