Tag: Motorcycle

Ending a week of stupidity…

Closing up the weekend…no idea why I am blogging this…but what the hell…

The week, in short was a lot of headache.

Don’t ever think that a cigarette will make it all better. It most certainly will not.

Don’t ever marry a psychopath.

Don’t ever let your motorcycle sit for three weeks without a trickle charger. Argh.

Don’t ever forget, because the internet sure as hell doesn’t.

Don’t ever let your job rule you. Rule your job.

Somehow I managed to watch some noteworthy movies though.


Salt was pretty decent. Watch it. I like the whole “new spy” open-ended thing going on there. It didn’t have the class synonymous with Bond…but it wasn’t short on action.
Centurion was pretty cool. Not worth the DVD though, if it’s still On Demand for you…do it.
The Expendables was a blast to watch, mainly because of all the cameo’s. All the best action hero’s were there and in top form. Definitely a guy film, the plot was cool, but seeing all those different A-List action people in there was just fun. The only guy missing was John Travolta…they should’ve made him a bad guy.

The summer finale of Burn Notice happened. I still haven’t made time to watch it (probably tonight)
Now I have to wait like a week or two for the other cable shows to kick back in…Sons of Anarchy baby!

Hope everyone had a great week. Loads of No More Stupid is coming! 😉


I know…

It has been stated that I am slowly growing out of my normal ranting lunatic mood.

You miss that. I get it.
Saving the world from itself one word at a time is taxing….be patient.

So in order to set your minds at ease, I’ve decided to show you that the ranting lunatic is still quite alive with a short citation of proof that I am in fact still pissed at someone or something in this world at all times…even when I sleep.

I am pissed at a world that makes me park my motorcycle under the stairway leading to my apartment because me and all my neighbors are totally afraid someone is going to steal it.

Parents that think they can take care of and raise their kids while getting high.

I am 100% POed at mosquitoes. They suck. I am allergic and am now sick thanks to the freaky mosquito invasion around our building.

Douchebags that think giving to charity makes up for telling people they are worthless all day.

Shower shelves with suction cups that don’t actually work and fall and make a noise something akin to what I construe to possibly being the end of the world when I am asleep.

Politicians that seriously think a city-owned hotel addresses the concerns and needs of all the people living in Dallas.

Whoever the asshat was that cancelled Firefly so Enterprise could run.

….yeah…there’s lots more. I actually keep a list.

…all that stuff that ticks me off…I might not remember everything, but I make notes about it 😉


Be afraid…

Tony's on a bike!!! Be very afraid!!

Tony's on a bike!!! Be very afraid!!

…be very afraid.

…of pictures predicting the future…

Yes, I’ve left Boston, but it seems a little Boston is coming with me to Dallas…

…it’s been a long time coming 🙂

…and now I have something to drive up north on my trips!