Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Almost that time…

It’s kind of funny. I am obsessive about celebrating the New Year. It is truly that one Holiday where I have consistently had great memories. Looking at it from so many directions…it’s the one holiday out of the year I don’t let anyone ruin or screw up for me.

With all that, I still don’t subscribe to the whole resolution thing. I quit smoking in March…cold turkey…and it had absolutely nothing to do with dated commitments. It needed to happen. That’s the logic I adhere to. What is truly needed will be provided. Dicking around with fancies is tantamount to making myself (or anyone else for that matter) doing something they actually dont want to do…which as implied…it’s quite useless, amusing to pull off at times, but still serves little but to entertain.

So anyhow we’re back to New Years…I look forward to it. It’s not a fresh start for me, we’ll just have to call it…a day of renewed…vigor 😉

Good resolutions are simply checks that men draw on a bank where they have no account.
-Oscar Wilde

Buffalo Vacation Pics…

There are still many more pics coming, these were just the more recent ones.


Is Fusion a reality for us?

This gentleman really thinks so, and I am inclined to believe him.