Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Fun stuff setting up a puter…

Last year…when I upgraded to Windows7…before the PC Crash of 2010, this was in my journal and it needed to be posted…
So the computer I blog from and surf from and do most of my geeking and gaming on….it’s fast approaching a deadline for a new OS.

Actually. My release candidate is expiring today. In non-geek terminology, my pc will become such a pain in the ass to use that I am forced to either reinstall Vista, or reinstall a licensed version of Windows 7.

This kind of sucks. My PC is so frickin enabled that power users would need like 2 years of classes to put this kind of thing together.

The hub of all this installed ability revolves around a capable OS.

Which again. Is not expiring.

So far here’s how it’s been going:

(Old encryption program doesnt like W7, switched to bitlocker last summer, just to test it out.)

Get nastygram telling me my version of W7 is about to go belly up.
Audit everything installed on this PC.
216 applications that would have to be reinstalled.
Looked for alternatives.
Alternatives would involve incompatibility for roughly half my apps, and half my games would no longer work.
Not an option. More research.
Audit necessary free memory to upgrade to W7. 2TB.
Because you cant just install over a release candidate, you have to wipe it out and install clean. This requires the data on the boot drive to be migrated.
Because I am NOT paying a gazillion extra bucks to continue using Bitlocker, I have to decrypt externals before migrating data off the boot drive.
Decrypting drive 1, cleaning up apps installed.
App cleanup forces reboot before I can stop decryption. very. bad.
drive recovery successful, 8 hours.
Continue, decrypting drive 1, cleaning up apps installed. 6 hours.
Decrypting drive 2 will take …heh…48 hours. Tony not happy. migrating data off drive faster than decryption.
Migrating data off drive, 6 hours.
Decrypting of drive 2 now only 8 hours, acceptable. Not a happy Tony, but the alternative wasnt an option.
Drive 2 decrypted, migrating data back onto it. 4 hours.
Initial setup for primary drive W7 install, 2 hours. Only because I have to decide what apps to keep etc. make a list. etc.
W7 setup.

All in all. W7 has been good to me, but simply isn’t as “secure” as I’d prefer. Not everyone knows this but any kid with a little USB drive and a few brain cells can waltz into almost any Windows driven machine and crack open the password locked

I have LONG since moved to bigger and better setups. But this needed to go in the journal.

5 Damn good reasons you should follow @WhoIsTheBaldGuy

It’s almost natural for most Twits. If you’re on Twitter, follow @whoisthebaldguy. I mean, it’s almost as necessary as @shitmydadsays or @tremendousnews or @Alyssa_Milano (and @tony_hunt if you’re really bored).

#1 He can help you quit smoking.
This took creativity, a decent sense of humor, and some serious “Smoking Skills.” I am actually surprised didn’t want in on this. It’s that good. Check it out!

#2 Dude, watch out when he snaps those fingers!
Who do you know that can stop time to propose?
He can help all you loser boyfriends own up and Put A Ring On It.
I already told him I am totally calling him before I pop the question. 😉

#3 Just when you thought an iPhone couldn’t do more.
Michael Krivicka (that’s @WhoIsTheBaldGuy if you’re not really paying attention yet) makes his mark on the iPhone. He’s directly responsible for the absolute best iPhone app EVER … Nude-it!
…and here’s another Reaction Video 😉

#4 He helps the homeless by giving them a job.
Want tons of easy and cheap marketing, while at the same time helping out all the holeless? Try out Michael’s idea for putting people to good use…

Now…after all those videos, you’re *probably* thinking…

Holy-shit-on-a-pogo-stick-apes-flipping-the-bird-aren’t-this cool.
(Yes, click this and you will see an ape flipping you off.)

It’s true. He might be the most interesting man in the world (or some sort of twitter-happy runner-up).
But what you really have to ask yourself…(after watching this video)

And finally…#5
…how do you think you’re going to sound in his next remix?

…Follow him. Fly like the wind people! Follow him!

Missed it?!


Oh…now I am kicking myself.

I had no idea OpenCamp was also hosting Wordcamp. I’ve been really busting my own chops to make sure I made it to these…and I find out it was at a meet I totally could have gone to but didnt because it wasn’t “WordPressy” enough.


Sad Tony is Sad.