Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Sheiks snatched returning from reconciliation meeting

Gunmen kidnapped 10 tribal sheiks in Baghdad as the men were heading home Sunday after meetings with Iraqi officials on the nation’s contentious reconciliation process, an Interior Ministry official said.

Me vs. New Mexico

Sent on August 2, 2007
State of New Mexico
Taxation and Revenue Department
Motor Vehicle Division Augus 02, 2007

The defendant has failed to respond to a citation or pay a fine in New Mexico for this violation within the prescribed time limit. Initiate action to suspend the defendant’s in accordance with the provisions of the non-rsident violator compact. Amount due is to be mailed to the agency indicated below.

Sent on October 22. 2007
Notice of Revocation (from the Texas Department of Public Safety)

Screw the rest of the details. Did anyone else notice the HUGE amount of time it took them to inform me that my license was going to be revoked??? 50 in a 35…in a barren podunk road devoid of people, and it was only 35 because they had construction crap parked on the other side of the road. I was speeding, I admit this no problem, but the first time I tried to pay this ticket the New Mexico T&R they didn’t even have me in the system…that was in July….and the citation occurred in June. I guess I am just bitching because it went so far. Now I have to call Austin and make sure the state doesnt revoke my damn license…argh.

An Iraqi Parade Against al-Qaeda

All that was missing was the crowds. But a Ramadi celebration of a martyred tribal leader provided telling evidence of the area’s sudden turn against anti-American Islamic extremists