Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Congrats to Lindy Ruff!!!

He got named as an Associate Coach to Team Canada’s 2010 Olympic Hockey Team. Go Lindy!!!

RIP Farrah Fawcett – Remember her.

I think I remember her poster being in almost every guys room I’d ever been in….pin-ups and lockers everywhere ๐Ÿ˜‰
Her battle with cancer has been common discussion for some time, but I think everyone just assumed that she would pull through, her strength was almost as popular as her posters ๐Ÿ˜‰ RIP Farrah.



Iran supression of Mousavi getting heavier.(Updated)

To be clear, I am not interested in US involvement, we haven enough on our plate. But whats happening to Iran is nothing less than tragic. No offense kiddoes but historically…religious states end bloody…it hasn’t worked…it doesnt work….it just ostracizes a nations youth. In Iran’s case, I hope these demonstrations show clearly that the government isnt interested in compromise, and only interested in furthering it’s own agenda, not being answerable to it’s own population. In doing so, the world will view them as another Iraq. Not now…later…is this truly how you believe your nation wishes to live?

Now to be clear, I am just looking far ahead…right now we’re seeing two factions both wrestling for the upper hand in a power play for Iran. Mousavi isn’t a beacon of shining light…he’s just a whole ton better to deal with than the loony that just got re-elected.

Here’s some linkage for the current stories.,0,4907311.story

More on Neda HERE A lot of details on what happened.
UK takes a little action HERE
Okay…BBC seems to be showing a little more detail and factuals than CNN now…they must be filtering their info out too much.

More later after work.