Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Using a nuclear bomb to swat a fly…

So the word is out.

Twitter, FaceBook, and LiveJournal were collateral damage in a hugely overkill bot-net attack many of us felt directly. I originally mentioned the media’s ineptitude in accuracy and profound expertise in unnecessary speculation was comic HERE.

Some script-kiddies with political motive and a little access to a botnet were after one guy.

…yes…the target was ONE GUY.

This time however…the news has decided to restrain themselves on the crazy speculation and started listening to the real pros…

A professor in Georgia apparently was doing something in the way of building a documentary of personal views of events preceding the current tension/issues prevalent between Georgia and Russia. Someone obviously didnt like it…since they fubarified Google’s Blogspot, Facebook. Twitter, and LiveJournal. According to the articles…they are still actually under an attack.

Now here’s where the LameSauce comes into play.
*To all the “businesses” that are 100% dependent or based on Twitter’s communication framework. You’re idiots. You get no sympathy from the IT world. This is like taking money from people to show them how to get a GMail account. If I had any brain cells I’d propose that Twitter directly enter competition with these businesses or bill them for use and get some of the money πŸ˜‰
*To the script kiddies that did this. Coming from the same side of the fence…I can sincerely say this was serious overkill and completely unnecessary. I can only guess that someone was actually being paid to do this…because despite the “to see if it can be done” factor, you’ve now given four of the largest social networks in the world live data with which to further strengthen themselves from attacks of this nature…in addition, at least in the Twitter venue…attention is now on them…and groups that wreak this level of havoc are rarely prepared for the level of attention that comes when the non-evil corps will pay big $$$ for the head of kids responsible for this. Just my opinion here mates, but you might’ve just set some crosshairs swiveling in your direction that have the facilities to go toe-to-toe with you.

Anyhow, here are some updates…enjoy!


Just found out that at least 8 different news sites are regurgitating this story verbatim…save yourself some time, use this article first…more coming from different sources.

Not as good, but references to the myriad of business models 100% dependent on Twitter stability is a hint of things to be careful of…you know…like using someone else’s free service to make money πŸ˜‰

Paraphrased NY Times article? can’t tell because the WP doesnt time-stamp their articles. (That means the WP gets lame-sauce points)

My neighbors rock!!

So as everyone knows, I live in a little-known alcove of apartments here in Dallas.

They aren’t ritzy in the least, but their location is awesome. are my neighbors πŸ˜‰

I am going to be working all weekend…essentially the only free time I’ll get is spare hours where the guy on call doesn’t need me to answer questions (he’s new). On the way home after grabbing my lotto tickets, I was dreading having to cook tonight snce I have been dieting and it is an absolute trial to cook without breaking my diet.

…so…as I said earlier…the neighbors rock.

I am pulling in from work and my downstairs neighbors are grilling. Of course we wave and say hello..same ol’ same ol’.

Only a few minutes after I am in my apartment, I hear a stampede of kids coming up the stairs. Now I already know they’re there for me…since the apartment next to mine seems to be vacant all the time…anyhow…the kids knock lightly….and when I answer, they practically fight over who gets to speak to me (this is awesome sauce because these particular kids are so funny) and after about 20 seconds of them finding some semblance of alpha hierarchy, the oldest (8-9 years old tops) start telling me that his uncle wants to know if I am hungry. Of course I was…I’ve been eating like 20 grams of carbs a day for 4 days…after that you start thinking people might be tasty.

‘kay…so I come down a few minutes later, and he has a plate made for me already and it’s amazingly nothing but grilled chops and beef…which just happens to be within the okay zone for me since it’s dinnertime and perfectly arranged…and the best part…on the side was a little homemade avocado spread (not guac, just a little avocado mixed up with cilantro and onions). For those of you who don’t know…this is the only way I eat avocado…it’s like these guys are psychic πŸ˜‰

Anyhow…I was so happy with their generosity and good nature (their kids are great!) that when I was done I returned to hang out, grace them once again with my vast and awesome presence, and most importantly hook them up with a bottle of Mona Vie. Initially they thought it was some sort of wine, so I got to turn them on to the awesomeness that is MV πŸ˜‰

Bottom line. I didnt have to cook. My neighbors rock. πŸ™‚


Ugh…no feel good!

I just feel absolutely yucky today…no idea why.

Unfortunately, I have to haul it to work, so I cant give you pages oof dialogue on why πŸ˜‰
