Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

My blog is breaking 10k hits per month?!

My site is getting 10k hits a month? My stats engines say so.

Yeah…kind of weird. I mean, I post regularly sure but am I THAT entertaining? (don’t answer that…theres a horde of old friends that I am sure would love to get some of my antics published. Lets not and say we did, eh?) The bottom line is I just think it’s neat that someone actually sees this as interesting…and even more hopeful1 that all you people reading this find wisdom in it πŸ˜‰

Okay so there are some cool things coming up. Not all my writing goes into that evil brain-destroying pita of a novel I am slowly putting together, some of it goes here and some goes in the far more private diary. It’s not that I mind people knowing about ME, but apparently there’s so much shite packed up in my brain that if a talk too much about all the screwed up stuff I’ve experienced, it might affect how potential employers see me. Since I’m not financially independent, it goes without saying that I need to keep the j-o-b handy until I am free πŸ˜‰ I do however have a goal of actually pumping out legitimate rants at least twice a week in addition to subjecting everyone to Tony’s version of the “Ohh Shiny!” syndrome.

If I had more time in the day I would love to throw even more opinionated rants and such out. Not happening at the moment though. So essentially I rant when I can, and since this is my little patch of land on the digital playground that is the internet, I share the stuff that matters and some of the stuff that shouldn’t matter πŸ˜‰ I have been blessed so far to not have too many gits show up here and make a scene but then 10k hits per month isn’t all that big…but the uniques are going up.

Bottom line, thanks for reading and I’ll be sure to continue doing whatever the hell I want on my blog πŸ˜‰



Show 1 footnote

  1. My brother and I have often found ourselves at odds over the term hopeful…you see, my definition of hopeful is apparently my brother’s definition of “unrealistic”, it’s not to say that I am right in this, but only that YOU the reader understand the depth or degree of wont inferred when I reference “hope” in some manner or form.


I don’t know whether to giggle like an idiot until I fall asleep or wonder exactly how much practice it took him to develop his voice.

You decide, I pass out now.

You’re searching for her feet?!

This is awesome…

So as everyone knows I actually run my blog on my own hosted server…
While I use the WordPress software, I don’t use a hosted blog service like or Blogspot etc…it also means I have tons more control over what I do with my server.

One of these things is Search Engine Optimization. Now not everyone is tech savvy so I will keep it simple …if you have a little knowledge you can make sure Google knows everything you ever publish, it’s that simple. After a little while you start bucking the stats generated by your enhancement and if your site’s been up for a bit, you’ll start really getting noticed…sometimes, how you’re noticed is funny.

If I Google ‘Natalie Tran Feet’…I get the following:


Messed up right? She’s funny but pretty sure she’s not pimpin’ her feet out…no offense Nat I am sure your feet are beautiful (as beautiful as feet get anyhow) which leads me to the next question…who the hell would search for that?! I mean come on. Did she do a video on her feet? Are you seriously looking for foot shots of her? …most importantly this detail is messing with me… Google brought said searcher to my site. Thats just funny. Whoever you are, bet you’re not going to come around HERE again…

Another example…apparently if you’re Googling pics of Alyssa Milano in Hungary, you get the following…


This is just insane…that search apparently leads to a pic of Scooter and I when I was on vacation and visiting in New Braunfels,TX…someone please let me how THAT one made it to me πŸ˜‰

Regardless, I just feel this is quite amusing and wanted to share.

Thanks for the bandwidth!
