Monthly archives: October, 2007

SotW – Bleed it Out

By Linkin Park
Sometimes you just hear something that gives you an adrenaline boost. This did it for me….still does.

The love I bear thee…

I don’t care what the girls think. Not all guys run their entire lives from the idea of having kids…err.well…maybe not for their entire lives 😉

I decided a long time ago that I would never make the decision(s) that my father (and father figures) did in not involving themselves with me. And made this letter. I have every intention of making sure they read this whether I am present or not in the years to come…

Simply put..I’m Boring!

This was a piece i did while watching a friend completely pass out while I was talking with here at Denny’s. Strangely enough all the tables around were more than interested in my little dialog, but the friend…well..she really did pass out.