Monthly archives: October, 2007

SotW – Coming Home

By Scorpions
Ahhh…memories of hard ballads that enabled men to plagiarize and woo women with crying tales of fidelity and wont. 😉 This was the epitome of the 80’s…and this band pioneered it. I think this song was actually written in the late 70’s but I just cant help apply it to the following decade 😉

U.S. troops use new film to scout enemy

A new documentary that focuses on the motivations of Iraqi insurgents opens later this week in the United States, but reviews are already coming in from a surprising source: U.S. troops serving in Iraq.

Love…and tragedy.

Now the inspiration from this is from when I was around…18, and ended probably 25. Well, I honestly thought I was a goner anyhow. I was stupid for this woman and the world wasn’t having any of it, and at the time I didnt particularly want anything to do with the world that wouldnt allow us to be together. We were best friends and so much more, and even though we haven’t spoken more than a sentence or two to each other in over a decade and a half, I am pretty damn confident that only 10 minutes talking over a cup of coffee would set us straight and back into those bad habits of having to spend at least 2 hours a day discussing the world and our place in it.

Cheers Amy…You’re the standard by which all women are weighed in TonyTown.