The real side of angst.

Just good-ol’ random thoughts. I am streaming thoughts today prepping for a long week of mind-numbing classrooms and definitive boredom while out of town on business. I haven’t actually posted a whole lot lately but there are like five articles coming that just were not finished in the last week or two. If you havent seen me stream before. I jsut get thoughts on paper….for an hour or so as time permits. …anyhow..until I get the other articles/rants cleaned up…enjoy!

When you stop smoking.
It ruins your psyche.
You’re left erratic.
I am already an angsty person.
I don’t like a lot of things…most frequently things in others i dislike about myself.
I strive to surround myself with better people. ergo…I learn to be better
I stay soooo damn strong on so many levels. And yet I look into the eyes of some…and I almost cower.
My heart. My mind. My soul…the tower crumbles.
If you weren’t all so damn smart…I could pass it off as being a tool.
That’s just not the case.

Politicians just need to stop using their jobs to profit individually, and corporations need to stop supporting the same bad practices.
On that note…hey, lets give immunity to corporations for breaking the law…on behalf of the law…thats a great start.
*&%$ing retards.

I want to be the enemy of deception.
…yet I find myself to be little more than the foundation of angst.

I am sortof distressed that I seem to have started really liking Kayne West’s “Stronger”…it almost makes me feel guilty. I will purify myself later by listening to bad 80’s hair bands on the way to the tourney today.

Rhapsody is really starting to annoy me. Somebody please give me a decent music subscription service…I am going nuts here.