The Brother Returns
Posted in Randomosity...
😉 For everyone that’s wondering. My brother is will be back from Iraq in less that a week.
This is a bad-ass deal…well…except the part where he thinks it’s necessary for us to go see Rocky Horror while he is in town…just when I thought I had forgotten(suppressed actually) those days of Rocky Horror (circa 1988-92)…my brother makes it an imperative that we go.
Man…the things we do for family.
…one thing this time bro…no way in hell I am wearing the golden undies…and I seriously doubt they’ll have the women necessary (or willing for that matter) to change my mind 😉
Not a requirement, just a momentary lapse in reason. And as for the “Golden Undies”…..well I had managed to suppress that up until now. Now if you will excuse me, I have to go taste my dinner for the second time this night. ewwwwww!!!!