Tag: @Tony_Hunt

Drew Carey offers $100k for 100k Followers on Twitter.

Drew Carey (aka @DrewFromTV – you know, the really funny guy) is offering up some serious dinero involving Twitter.

First, earlier he offered $25k to the owner of @Drew for his rather swank Twitter feed name.

Later, he turned around and did something even more awesome.

He’s officially offered to donate $100k to @Livestrong (also known as the Lance Armstrong Foundation) if 100000 follow him by November 9th.

So here’s what I am asking…

…lets just forget #followfriday, it’s now lame.
…lets move on this one little goal.
…get on Twitter and follow him.

This little action will make you warm-n-fuzzy!!!

A new look…

It was about that time.

I havent infused the graphics for the new site yet but this is pretty close to the finished produst minus the warm-n-fuzzies.

Lemme know what you think.

The main overhaul is cleaning out the 4 years of crappy code I injected into the old theme isnt necessary anymore.


Twitter’s first reality tv show!!

This is yet another screaming good idea from WhoIsTheBaldGuy.

Twitter takes on Reality TV…I sooo want in on this 😉