Tag: Rants

I am not Anonymous

Quite the opposite.

Everyone pretty much knows who I am and where I stand…umm…quite literally.

But one day. Today. I think I might agree with being Anonymous.

There was a time when I thought these guys might end up fighting the wrong fight, but I was wrong. As they’ve grown they have evolved into a group that stands for some of the more basic rights we hold as living beings, and were among the first to publicize all that was very obviously wrong with the Church of Scientology.

So it’s been a while, and Anonymous has focused on a new strategy. They’re going to get us all to agree with them, here’s how. They’ve begun a push to start have people gather for “Freedom of Speech” days.

Freedom of Speech is something every living being on this planet is entitled to.

So why am I reading THIS. Apple – in their infinite wisdom, has chosen to pass judgement on Wikileaks, before any government can even legitimately prove or covict anyone of any wrongdoing…

But wait…there is more. With complete disregard for due process and international law, Bank of America suspended all payments to WikiLeaks, and alongside of them, eBay (they own Mastercard and PayPal) decided with no legal precedent order to stop all transactions with WikiLeaks.

As much as some people may not like it…WikiLeaks is a news publisher and whistleblower…not a terrorist organization. They publish documents that make headlines. If a government is going to resort to corporate and social assassination just to save itself from a little embarrassment…then that I think our government might actually be failing to represent it’s citizens’ interest accurately. By our governments actions, and by that of key American financial companies, we announce to the world that our freedom of speech is only for those that don’t speak out against us.

Enter Anonymous. With many people clearly (and quite vocally) offended that corporations were taking action before any semblance of proof was even gathered against WikiLeaks, Anon came in and immediately took action, seems they DDoS’ed PayPal, MasterCard, Bank of America, and eBay.

The argument was posed attacking Anon stating that deliberately bringing down those sites was blatantly ignoring the rights of those organizations rights to free speech as well. Anon clearly explained that their “goal is to raise awareness about WikiLeaks and the underhanded methods employed by … companies to impair WikiLeaks’ ability to function.” I can make this even easier. The financial companies took action first without legal precedent (but I pet money they had one hell of a lot of encouragement by the US political community, none of which will admit they did any such thing).

The bottom line is not that WikiLeaks is right…or that they are wrong. The bottom line is that corporate America didn’t bother waiting for legal precedent…they just said “fuck you Julian” and stopped giving him money that was by all rights his. This isn’t legitimate business, it’s theft.

You might be wondering where I am headed with all this, considering the top of the page says “I am not Anonymous.”

It’s simple. I feel that both corporate America and the US Government are not acting in the interests of the citizens of the US. I think they are acting at the behest of our government in the interest of saving face and embarassment over the mistakes those leaks might reveal. Revealing those mistakes is not a crime, people.

If those leaks reveal incidents whereby people have breached our own laws or those we’ve agreed to abide by others, it’s justice – pure and simple.

Again, I say I am not Anonymous…but after everything I’ve read today…I sure as hell agree with them.

Please let our government grant those other countries/organizations those ineffable human freedoms we so violently declare our support for.

Rant over, have a great evening everyone.


Google News Anonymous
Google News WikiLeaks
The Slate
Opposing Views

…and there goes the very last of my faith and trust.

So…just venting.

Seriously…I think it’s something akin to being emotionally sucker-punched. It’s that sticky yuck of disappointment in a friend that sucks.

Don’t get me wrong, you’re all wonderful people I am sure.

But sometimes people just suck big green donkey @!#%s.

I honestly am typing it out here, because saying it in person or any other venue is just going to kick up drama and this one time…I am not going to call friends, or be an idiot and find a bottle.

Okay, so I might be a tad pissed about it.

…and most importantly I hate being disappointed in people.

As a practice, I like to see the best in people and their potential.
However as experience creeps up on that outlook, it becomes evident that such faith is most often misplaced.

Anyhow, move along…I am sure this is just a precursor to me getting POed and writing some insanely good literature on how stupid California is.

But for now I am just going to drop it in my own little back 40 on the internet.

I know…it’s a long title considering such a short rant, right?

Here, maybe this pic from EpicWin.net will cheer you up…it did me. 🙂

Where the White Man went Wrong

Important Note: I would like to thank Sarah from Anonymous8.com for unknowingly cheering me up with the above pic just as I was getting utterly and completely unnecessarily angry.

Before you ask…

Sometimes you can see their hesitation in asking…

Tony, are you happy with your life?

Here’s your answer.

The truth of it is I’m happy. The only few things missing in my life and the parts and friends not missing more than make up for it. I only wish I could say the same for everyone else 🙂

Please don’t take this post too seriously.

I obviously don’t.