Tag: Randomosity…

A big shout-out for Michael.

So….on the night of July 29, Vicki and Richard brought into the world this awesome little baby boy…

He’s got alot going for him…Dad’s pretty cool….and Mom’s so stubborn-strong she gave birth to a child almost her size! (I am thinking mitosis, but no one believes me πŸ˜‰

And Obviously there is some serious brain cells going on since he’s already reading!


I just thought I’d give a big shout-out to Michael…already making it bigtime πŸ˜‰

Webb’s Leaving?!

Not everyone was into this, but this journalist from BBC has been in the states writing about us for some time now.

Easily enough, the reason you never saw me rant about hi was because in most of his own little rants, he had some down to earth points.

What he’s done in actuality has been to come to America and write about us…from the a rather common standpoint of the critical Brit, but getting answers firsthand.

He hasn’t exactly been warm and fuzzy about it, but he has been fair for the most part and there are areas he considers morally ambiguous that we simply ignore as freedoms and sometimes worse, we ignore even though they are criminal.

What has really surprised me, is his final message about his time here in the U.S.


I finished reading this with a big grin on my face.

…after all the criticism, there is compliment and grudging respect.

As a U.S. citizen and rather vocal Texan, that’s all I’d expect after a visit πŸ˜‰ Cheers!

My blog is breaking 10k hits per month?!

My site is getting 10k hits a month? My stats engines say so.

Yeah…kind of weird. I mean, I post regularly sure but am I THAT entertaining? (don’t answer that…theres a horde of old friends that I am sure would love to get some of my antics published. Lets not and say we did, eh?) The bottom line is I just think it’s neat that someone actually sees this as interesting…and even more hopeful1 that all you people reading this find wisdom in it πŸ˜‰

Okay so there are some cool things coming up. Not all my writing goes into that evil brain-destroying pita of a novel I am slowly putting together, some of it goes here and some goes in the far more private diary. It’s not that I mind people knowing about ME, but apparently there’s so much shite packed up in my brain that if a talk too much about all the screwed up stuff I’ve experienced, it might affect how potential employers see me. Since I’m not financially independent, it goes without saying that I need to keep the j-o-b handy until I am free πŸ˜‰ I do however have a goal of actually pumping out legitimate rants at least twice a week in addition to subjecting everyone to Tony’s version of the “Ohh Shiny!” syndrome.

If I had more time in the day I would love to throw even more opinionated rants and such out. Not happening at the moment though. So essentially I rant when I can, and since this is my little patch of land on the digital playground that is the internet, I share the stuff that matters and some of the stuff that shouldn’t matter πŸ˜‰ I have been blessed so far to not have too many gits show up here and make a scene but then 10k hits per month isn’t all that big…but the uniques are going up.

Bottom line, thanks for reading and I’ll be sure to continue doing whatever the hell I want on my blog πŸ˜‰



Show 1 footnote

  1. My brother and I have often found ourselves at odds over the term hopeful…you see, my definition of hopeful is apparently my brother’s definition of “unrealistic”, it’s not to say that I am right in this, but only that YOU the reader understand the depth or degree of wont inferred when I reference “hope” in some manner or form.