Tag: Randomosity…

Surprises from the News

I started off with so much content I could write for miles…

Republicans party endorsing a guy who got Article 32’ed for torturing a detainee is now running for a seat in Congress…

Dallas leads the nation in children that are unlikely to be fed properly…

I read further and just got so angry at people…it astounds me that so many of you would embrace hate so much that it seriously matters what color our president is, but you’ll conveniently ignore the fact that your own community has starving children.

I keep on getting slack for being a lefty. I’m not a lefty.

I’m a guy that thinks murderers need to be shipped off to an island they cant swim away from…ever…and barring that they may choose to die or serve the rest of their lives without rights, serving the state and military…period. I think it’s possible to live in a land of conscience and consequence, without infringing on the freedoms we hold so dear.

I think anyone trying to regulate guns is an idiot and targeting the wrong demographic.

I think that anyone that chooses to have an abortion should have that right…even though I wouldn’t ever consider it with a child of my own…it’s about choice, and the government shouldn’t be involved in the least with it.

I think that a healthcare system that provides for 96% of Americans is better than a system that only accommodates those lucky enough to be able to afford it right now. It’s not about Socialism, it’s about Americans taking care of each other. For a lot of people I think it’s “out of sight – out of mind” and acting like we’re going to get taxed harder for this is ignoring the fact that if it wasn’t for this, the government would have found another reason to do so…and very likely with far less noble intent.

The shooting in Fort Hood is a tragedy. The man that did it…regardless of intention or mental condition needs to be hung…it’s that simple. The people trying to paint him in a positive light need to stop. Concocting new psychological disorders to clearly define the man’s state I don’t really think is necessary but thats the crap every shrink makes a living off of. The bottom line is that his act was premeditated and he killed the very people that expected him to save them in mind if not in body. It’s not murder alone, it is treason in my opinion. Hang him and save this country some time and a whole fekton of money.

If you’re wondering where the rage comes in…it’s when anyone starts deciding they have the right to commit violence and then murder.

I also have to lay the blame for every problem we’re facing now at the feet of a president and administration that was in office for just over a year and picking up after an 8 year train wreck of foreign diplomacy. I mean seriously…how could it not be Obama’s fault? We voted him in rather decisively…he must be the most evil guy on the planet right?

This whole – it’s not OUR problem because I am not with THEM. Are you fucking kidding me? Seriously? Ignore the politicians and simply look at the results of our previous voting practices. The worst we got from Bill Clinton was a little diddling in the oval office. We can’t be anywhere near as jovial about the tragedies in decision making made by Republican presidents.

The sad part, is I dont even remotely favor one over the other.

I think they are both useless facets of government now. I think it would be so much easier for us to find an honest leader if it wasn’t profitable to be President or be in the government. Like making it illegal for business to show any interest in government, etc. Otherwise it’s just a much more convoluted but just as effective method of buying government.

Anyhow. Just stuff I have been chewing on.

Don’t fear the crouton.

Dear fellow crouton eater.

It has come to my attention that you’ve become afflicted with what is commonly known as croutonseatlikechips disease.

Whatever you do. DONT PANIC!

This condition is unfortunately the product of combinations of common sense and the presence of tasty croutons (and often a noticeable lack of access to real potato chips). In rare cases, it is the direct result of another very serious affliction called youareahungrypregnantwoman.

Remember, this is very important. DONT PANIC!

Treatment for this affliction is simple. Eat croutons. Apparently Caesar and Italian Herb flavored remedy this problem on a fairly regular basis.


You See Andria Stanley. There IS hope. πŸ™‚


Hands Down

By Dashboard Confessional

After a while it sinks in. All you have is your passion and the thread of hope that someone shares it with you. Finding that spark is a blast. Making sure that awesome feeling stays with you is only a matter of will. So many good things have happened to me while listening to this song I can’t help but think it’s a little more than luck πŸ˜‰