A strange conclusion…
The musician strikes a single note
…and i am moved.
The artist brushes a single stroke
…and I am withdrawn
The Sergeant barks a single order
…and I am dead.
The musician strikes a single note
…and i am moved.
The artist brushes a single stroke
…and I am withdrawn
The Sergeant barks a single order
…and I am dead.
I paid my way through school waiting, bartending, and teaching others to do the same.
Tony’s Rules for Hospitality
**Things never to guess about your customers**
Relation to each other.
Marital status.
…and whether or not they like you.
**Things to expect from your entire clientèle.**
They aren’t here to wait on YOU.
They want to be treated like they were dinner guests in your home (et al. Entertained!)
They want to to feel like they’re supposed to tip too much, even if they can’t.
If you can follow these guidelines you can get away without knowing menus, drinks, or even what they ordered. I did.
Talk a lot of shit, so you have something to live up to.
Talk a lot of shit, so you have something to live up to.
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