Tag: Randomosity…

Texas Trans-Corridor…Good or Bad???

One of my friends asked me what my thoughts were on this and I was surprised as hell about it…I had no clue this was happening. This is a HUGE deal but it’s getting ZERO publicity and I am honestly surprised considering the scope of this highway development.

Here’s a link http://ttc.keeptexasmoving.com/projects/i69/deis.aspx

The goal of this monstrosity of a highway is to provide a venue for commercial travel that reduces the bulk of transient commercial transports (ie – a very significant portion of traffic during business hours) in a good number of cities from south central Texas all the way to Texarkana.

Now if you’re not looking at the development plans for the land they plan on acquiring for this venture, you’d probably think “Oh GREAT idea! Get all the unnecessary traffic out of the cities that is killing their environment and making driving a huge ordeal in most of the coastal cities. But look at the plans…HERE

Now, in development plans like this, private property is bought from owners are a fair market value…sometimes more than fair. But in large scale operations that involve a lot of property owners, for various reasons…people refuse to sell. Now you’ve all seen the movies where some hero comes along and finds out the developer is doing something evil and nasty to those refusing to sell. This isn’t the movies, and the developers don’t have to do much to make people move…the government will declare the property “Eminent Domain” (remember that phrase boys and girls) and will quite literally force the owner off any land necessary to the progression of the development (if said development is necessary to the growth of the community in question.) “Eminent Domain” is a subject that makes my ass twitch. You can feel the wrongness ebbing from the word when you say it. In most other countries, actions of this nature are the foundations of war and violence….in our country…it’s the law.

Now why on earth would I bring up Eminent Domain on such a great idea? Hell I asked the same question…until I saw the proposal. I would get good odds in betting this thing is going to be visible from the moon…its that huge. Now, in any development that big…we’re not talking about relocating any small amount of land owners. This is an insane amount of land. Even if it were only to take up half the proposed space…it seems like it would still take up more square acreage than the cities it’s supposed to be helping.

Now I haven’t done all my normal homework on this yet. But I am going to now. That development plan is damn near right on top of my parents’ house. If you have opinions or good information for me I would love to hear it.



About the last few days…

Well it’s easy to say fear is the mind killer. There are people walking this earth that will mean so much to you, but also mean fire. You don’t stop trusting, you simply stay away from the fire, being wary of getting burned. Such is the case for a very VERY old and dear friend. A decent number of gossips and drama queens went through a lot of trouble to make believe we shouldn’t even consider speaking, much less renewing a friendship that albeit haunted both of us for a long long time.

That said…it is absolutely amazing how years of contention have melted away in a few days. I have my friend back…and the universe seems far more balanced than it did only a week ago. There is still a lot for us to get out of the way…we’re different people now…but after talking, it’s like getting the use of my left arm back. It’s taken a damn long time but a sense of completion is there and now we’re just being the friends we wished we never lost. Mushy eh? Deal with it.

There were a few posts made earlier over the past week that are being removed from public access. I wanted my friend back, not a daily reminder of the frustration we felt over all this crap, and no offense, but I am not entirely hip on all the splogs and spiders newscasting this aspect of my life to millions. When i am famous…sure, but until then, I think i am going to sleep a little better knowing some of my heart isnt on public display.



Pretty cool indeed!!!!

Hey folks!

Nothing super important here I just wanted to thank the insane amount of people now checking out my little corner of the web. Jan 18 exceeded even Christmas day on unique visitors and pages viewed. This tells me I either have alot a friends that expect to gather more info about me etc…or that people are actually taking enough interest to see what I am writing about periodically, I say this immeidately…I want to do daily content, but daily content is nearly a job, and I will never allow advertising on this site…hence, I will never make money off of it…well…unless someone offers me a job writing I suppose 😉

Anyhow, I have a lot of free time today, so i am going to try to get some content written I’ve been holding back on because not only it’s nature, but so I don’t get interrupted. And get it finished 😉
