Tag: Randomosity…

Joe Wagoner’s “Everyman” up for the big vote!!!

Joe’s poem mentioned in an earlier blog post, is up for a big vote (and potential award). If you read this, please take the time to read and vote for Joe’s prose.

Rate Joe’s poem here.

Thank you all for your support!!!


Me on Cruise on Scientology…

I need about 30 hours a day…just so I can compile the enormous amount of crap pumping out of the Church of Scientology and stomp it into the ground. Thats said…I am honestly a very open minded person, often seeing only the good in people. I think that this video embarrasses good people for their values…just because of the pedestal CoS is placing themselves on implying that those very values exist only as a member of Scientology. Pardon my French, but *&^% that #%^^$*(&!!!!


Bill Clinton falls asleep during MLK speech.

I didn’t think it would be such a GREAT video. I would like to thank the illustrious Gillian Ring (she rocks) for bringing this to my attention.

Read on…I am going to go off on this one!!!