Tag: Randomosity…

The real side of angst.

Just good-ol’ random thoughts. I am streaming thoughts today prepping for a long week of mind-numbing classrooms and definitive boredom while out of town on business. I haven’t actually posted a whole lot lately but there are like five articles coming that just were not finished in the last week or two. If you havent seen me stream before. I jsut get thoughts on paper….for an hour or so as time permits. …anyhow..until I get the other articles/rants cleaned up…enjoy!

Yoko Ono is suing Lennon?!

So…I get a notification that Lennon did a new blog…and being the loyal fan I am…I check it…and this is what I get:



Look, if you’re going to have a fit about someone using your hubbie’s name. Make sure to do so before you ignore the fact that they’ve been using the name for almost a decade already. This is a classic example of people being greedy for nothing other than being greedy. No one is slanting Mr. Lennon, he isn’t being trodden upon, and everyone is keenly aware that the Lennon Murphy is in no manner using his name for self promotion. Utter crap. Yoko is…I am not going to use the word I want because I don’t want ratings assigned to my website. Bottom line, I think Yoko needs a good swift kick in the conscience and needs to stop this silliness before it costs our legal system time that could be put to much better use.

But thats me, as always, it’s my opinion…and I’ll likely continue having one hell of an opinion about Yoko now. She isn’t even a shadow of her husband, and he would in fact be ashamed of what she’s doing now.




We all have enough good intention to know when helping is best. Some of us make it a responsibility, some of us feel obligated.

Sometimes even with forewarning, intention, and action, we find ourselves frustrated when the good intent never reaches fruition.

I was asked to talk to a friend…of a friend. She was in dire straights, and falling down fast and alarmingly close to permanently.

I did make the call, I sent the mail…but there was no response. This is where I stop understanding what happened…

Frustration is when the helping hand fails to get it’s chance.

She ended her life yesterday morning, and I can’t help but wonder if I had pushed a little harder, helped in some other manner right away…maybe she would have thought of a better way out.

Cat’s MySpace is HERE.
If you want to remember, just remember that there’s always help….always.
