Tag: Randomosity…

The End of MS BLogging!!!

This is it. Crossposting my blog has become far too much work here.

I have dropped in an RSS feed on my main MySPace page for those of you who follow. I know its a pain, but the bottom line is I am NOT going to crosspost manually.

You can read my blogging at https://tonytown.com
Please feel free to visit and comment there. The RSS feed for my blog is already running on my main MS page and will soon be the same on Facebook and LiveJournal. Again…sorry for the inconvenience, but keeping a public journal shouldn’t seem like work. If you for some reason would like a subscription to my blogs, I can arrange for you to get email notifications when I post just as easily as Myspace. Simply ask. You already know how to get in touch.




I’d forgotten what it was like to read in my mode. To play in my mode. To write in my mode. I’ve been really slacking on writing, specifically for the novel. Well, one chapter is finito, and an outline for 6 more is finito, glossary has taken on it’s own life, and as with most, you can tell the depth of the story I am writing by the glossary. I only add to the glossary if the word is a plot foundation or the allow the keep the reader from having to guess at the nature of it.

Gallant or inspiring words from divine sources are the predecessor of each chapter’s body. I am deliberately sectioning each chapter in a manner that would allow them to be moved to episode format for mini-sodes…as I would literally flip to have them rendered via anime…I’ve always been a BIG fan of Lodoss Wars / Legends of Lodoss…but rather than D&D rehashes, which is all I see now, something original enough for movie. Not Beuwulf cgi…I don’t think mine would fit considering…but there are some incredible anime production outfits that would really do justice.

Umm…so it seems I’ve gotten a bit ahead of myself. 😉 I will be working on the books more and more now. Pretty sure I have the plots set for a couple other books. Not…too..shabby. Anyhow, if you were curious…this is where I am. Without quitting my job and writing full time I am beginning to seriously reconsider the one year goal. There is a lot of work and staying serious about the book is easy, but keeping up with my goals on it is hard when working the hours I do. It will get there. There are a few people that have access to the progress and input on the novel as they get pieces of it.

Anyhow…off to work…see what I mean?!


Here I sit…


Couldn’t tell you why. I’ve been getting angsty of late. More and more. I am fast on my way to a permanent hiatus from Amtgard. I am not sparring outside of the game…hence a vent I am normally afforded for hours every week is no longer. What does this mean for me? Pffft.

I am not an angry person…

Think of it this way. Many people are presented with an opportunity to vent their genetic predisposition/encouragement for harsh physical exertion through various means. I started off swimming…and when that didn’t give me enough…I found out how to hit people without getting in trouble for it…reenactment. You can laugh and scoff all you want…the worst Amtgardian would likely be the first person you’d want to hear you getting mugged in a dark alley.

I am not a confident person.

I have learned the very harsh lesson that confidence is only worthwhile when people don’t realize your holding it by the throat. Since I am not a violent person…I’m obviously not going to be holding anything by the throat ;).

Anyhow…this wasn’t supposed to be about self-analysis. I was going to rant and be bitchy because I am yet again not sleeping yet when I should be. Am I feeling ok? Hell no…am I ever? I think this weekend I am going to have to find some serious exertion. Anyhow…pissy me.

I will interject at this time and say how much my mom rocks. Hooking me up with buffalo wings tonight (from Buffalo) was primo!!!!

I have been jamming heavily to music for hours…and just cant stop…argh.

OHHH..I suppose I can let you guys jam to my tunes now. You can find them HERE.

I will blog about that too I suppose 😉

Anyhow…more good music is putting me in a more…powerful…mood. Have a good night everyone!!!!