Politics can be entertaining too!!!
If only we could see this ad on TV. 😉 Here we go!!!
If only we could see this ad on TV. 😉 Here we go!!!
by The Offspring
Slowly it creeps upon me…the realization that I’ve been lacking in my usual tribute to The Offspring. Remembering it’s not about understanding Mozart, it’s about immersing myself in the music and finding what I need from it.
Here’s the word for the day people.
hypocrisy noun
1. an expression of agreement that is not supported by real conviction
2. insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that you do not really have
It’s election time. And after primaries, the reputation smashing begins…right? This is where we get to watch and see just how utterly reprehensible the leaders of this nation are. It’s like the nations greatest hypocrites suddenly feel the need to flood our television with “Do you really want a leader that did THIS?” So…I am beginning to see a method of madness that has a very strange sense of logic behind it. Paris Hilton. Before you read further, I know my friends are overwhelmingly open-minded, but I am pretty sure some of them are gonna say “WTF TONY?!” after reading this. Please…just hear me out….
Well…one of my greatest complaints about politicians are their affinity with moral turpitude despite their claims to the contrary. It’s truly hypocrisy at it best. That said, I would much rather go with someone I trust to do what’s right for our nation’s future in a world that will be without the use of fossil fuels in a future alarmingly close. She doesn’t care that the country will have to get up off it’s ass and bike or walk to work more…she probably thinks that we all need the exercise…she isn’t wrong either. War? HAHAHA…I can see her ordering the death of a leader who is guilty of crimes against humanity without a bat of the eyelash…but at the same time…she most likely wouldn’t be too keen about the wars we’re currently involved in…and I could actually see her seeking to find a road for our nation to follow that doesn’t involve us risking most of our military for a decade. She doesn’t need more money, and has the sense to employ experts whenever an issue comes up that Tinkerbell (her Chihuahua) cant resolve. This leads me to think that she could get more accomplished on her own than republicans or democrats could under one banner…wait…a hundred years…and they still aren’t getting there. Time for Paris for Pres!!!
Now before the flames erupt…let me say this. I -this one time- subscribe to insincerity by virtue of pretending to have qualities or beliefs that I do not really have. I have entertained myself in rationalizing the idea of having Paris for President. In the end, I found that I had less to complain about her than I have of any previous presidential candidate. So you know what…frak it…give her a try. I might be a hypocrite, but at least I’ve entertained myself for a little while writing this. 😉
Be safe, and please make sure you’re voting everyone!!!!
Talk a lot of shit, so you have something to live up to.
Talk a lot of shit, so you have something to live up to.
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