Tag: Randomosity…

Inside the Fire

by Disturbed

That proverbial final step, where faith doesn’t come under question, but where that faith is directed, and it’s purpose evolves. I am sure everyone will get whatever they need from this, and they should. Remember that in some circles, that flame is cleansing, not pain or punishment, in order to ascend…we shed the burdens that weigh us down…the flame is but a means to an end, and a far more natural one than your bullet.


Brisingr, the third novel in Chris Paolini’s Inheritance Cycle is finally happening. Yes…CYCLE…why? Paolini realized that to encompass the plot in the manner he wished, he would be hard pressed to keep the third novel under 900 pages. Novels that large are not only an encumbrance to some readers, but also to publishers. So anyhow…new book coming out…Happy Tony. 😉

You can pre-order your copy HERE


The Girl Effect.

Every once in a while, people get a good idea and present that idea in a manner that makes you really think. In some cases, it makes one wish to change, sometimes change themselves…the world…something….and usually for the better. The short little movie below isn’t eye-catching…it’s thought provoking because it’s simple and realistic. Please visit The Girl Effect to see what it’s all about.

FYI, I don’t get as much time to read and research and surf this stuff as one might think. So on the note, the credit for this provocation of thought goes to a dear friend. So if someone reading this moves forward, learns something new, or changes their day just a smidgen upon reflection, it’s because that dear friend knew I would do the same 😉 Give credit where credit is due, and hopefully change the world in baby steps 😉
