…and there goes the very last of my faith and trust.
So…just venting.
Seriously…I think it’s something akin to being emotionally sucker-punched. It’s that sticky yuck of disappointment in a friend that sucks.
Don’t get me wrong, you’re all wonderful people I am sure.
But sometimes people just suck big green donkey @!#%s.
I honestly am typing it out here, because saying it in person or any other venue is just going to kick up drama and this one time…I am not going to call friends, or be an idiot and find a bottle.
Okay, so I might be a tad pissed about it.
…and most importantly I hate being disappointed in people.
As a practice, I like to see the best in people and their potential.
However as experience creeps up on that outlook, it becomes evident that such faith is most often misplaced.
Anyhow, move along…I am sure this is just a precursor to me getting POed and writing some insanely good literature on how stupid California is.
But for now I am just going to drop it in my own little back 40 on the internet.
I know…it’s a long title considering such a short rant, right?
Here, maybe this pic from EpicWin.net will cheer you up…it did me.
Important Note: I would like to thank Sarah from Anonymous8.com for unknowingly cheering me up with the above pic just as I was getting utterly and completely unnecessarily angry.