Tag: Being Libra…

Being Libra…

You may be feeling stress because of social obligations that pull you out of your comfort zone. Perhaps you are too busy to think about enjoying yourself with others. Maybe you are worried about justifying the expense or maybe you don’t think you deserve to have fun now. Do whatever it takes to overcome your own resistance, for you will probably benefit from the activity in more ways than you realize.

My thoughts? Probable outcomes are useless. I am at home today because I want to be. Pulling me out of my comfort zone is someone asking me to spend three days helping you move…foregoing work and previous engagements. I justify the ends by the means…sue me.

Being Libra…

Expressing your emotions with confidence can provoke an unexpected response from a coworker or partner. Although you thrive on making others feel at ease, don’t worry so much today about trying to be nice. Even if your concern for others makes you happy, you must now push past the infatuation stage and beyond your dreams. Get real and make a move that truly counts.

–I see this as the advice to sacrifice myself, for myself. Something I am specifically not so hot at. Getting real is something i am acutely good at, people just asume my indifferent demeanor means I am ignoring the gravity of situations. So tonight I am supposed to make a move that truly counts…riiiiiiight.

Being Libra…

Libra (Sep 23 – Oct 22)

Your dreams demand so much of your attention today that you might have to pinch yourself to wake up. The outer world isn’t as convincing as usual, so you may allow yourself to slip back into the imaginative realms. This isn’t a waste of time if you believe that you can be whomever you really desire. Soon you will have the chance to turn fantasies into reality.

{{{What do I think of this? Not much. I turn Fantasies into reality daily. Anyone who doesnt is a fricking drone. Although, i do have to admin, I could use some synergy sometimes…doing all the work myself just doesnt always make it satisfying.}}}