Quick update in TonyTown
TonyTown is now running Windows7, so far it’s beautiful, barely any progress-freezing permissions issues anymore 😉
Apparently not being online (like when I am working) is the equivalent of ignoring people…people should rethink that.
11 weeks no smokes…I still have a temper but it’s nothing like it was two months ago.
Been on a diet for roughly a week, lost 12 pounds. No…I am still healthy, getting healthier actually. 30 minutes of exercise a day and eating along a rigid regimen is working wonders. Thanks to Allopurinol, this time I won’t have to stop a month into the cycle and cry for six weeks as arthritis takes over.
Just under a month until I get to head out to New York/Canada for a couple weeks….cant wait to be honest, need some away time from Dallas.
My Brother needs to get his arse back from Iraq. Enough already.
Planning on a nice long trip to the UK in January…if you have suggestions on things to go see, please let me know.
Yaknow whats funny…the word “bugger”…I have a really creepy fascination with how the word is used in the UK and Australia.
Yep…that was random. G’night.
Ohh funny post coming…make sure you listen to it!