Maliki’s Mosul Offensive
Iraq’s PM talks tough but the city’s insurgency, the most disciplined and efficient in Iraq, has melted away, perhaps to return and fight on its on terms later
Iraq’s PM talks tough but the city’s insurgency, the most disciplined and efficient in Iraq, has melted away, perhaps to return and fight on its on terms later
The muster-roll of the dead may be a monument of governmental incapacity as well as a certificate of patriotism and courage. It is always glorious for the other man to die for his country,—at least the survivor says so; but the fact that his life has been needlessly thrown away is calculated to throw some doubt on the subject. A civilized nation cannot afford to throw away a single life.
The muster-roll of the dead may be a monument of governmental incapacity as well as a certificate of patriotism and courage. It is always glorious for the other man to die for his country,—at least the survivor says so; but the fact that his life has been needlessly thrown away is calculated to throw some doubt on the subject. A civilized nation cannot afford to throw away a single life.
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