Fear to see.

Found this one packed away.

For once I wasn’t writing about myself. Seems I was writing to someone else. Nice of me to think of someone else every once in a while eh? *grin* Anyhow, I don’t particularly remember when I wrote it, but if were to hazard a guess it was during a severe bout of insobriety circa 2000. Enjoy.

Actually…I think on retrospect this was meant to be sung rather than spoken…weird…me writing a song…

Belay the thought
of being naught
Think not yourself one
But of many far gone
Shield thine eyes
and thou will be blind
But accept that light
and banish the night
that clouds the mind
Spreads your wings
Think of loftier things
and let your heart sing
Far be it for me
to criticize thee
But watch me fly
in the skies so high
maybe then you’ll hear
that calling so clear
And maybe perhaps
You wont need those eyes
of Fear.
