Boston – And so it begins…
And so it begins…

And so the festivities begin...
I was originally going to bring out posts per day but there’s simply too much content…just going to section it all out…
First let me say that despite the vast number of times where the term AWKWARD came up…the day was a blast. We didn’t get in town until 4ish and took a few to unpack and rest before the festivities. Next, let me say that it’s pretty AWKWARD meeting your birth father 35+ years down the road. Third, it’s AWKWARD when Mom and Bob decide a few drinks are a great way to kick off the evening.
But…to be clear, it was probably a damn good idea π We were all a bit nervous.
Now, regarding Boston…the place has too much to see and I am so not going to get to see all of it. But I am going to show you some of it here π
After an 8 hour drive from Buffalo and a short nap, we started the evening off with some drinks (umm…well more than one…) and then headed to the bay via taxi.
The tour started with a sight-seeing cab ride along the bay, then to the Hyatt where you can grab a water-taxi π Yeah….this is cool π I am actually going to have to set gallery up for all the pics…there are far too many to list in one page. But I will drop in some highlights here.
And on to more!!!