Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Looking for something good to read?

…well, I will assume you’re under the impression this is a shameless plug.

It’s not.

This is just a reminder to everyone that likes seeing my rants and occasional lunacy in type that you might also be interested in some of the people I read. By people I mean bloggers like myself. Among the oceans of craptastic douchebags, political refuse, and masses of sheeple…there are actually some really good free thinkers out there whose writing I find interesting, entertaining, or simply essential for living on the net.

Today I found a blog with some pretty cut & dry common sense with a little dab of “do you really need me to explain it?
Check her out!


What happens when you argue with Tony…

…you find yourself slain by the Big Mean Cat of Invalidity!!!

It’s cold outside…

…yeah this is me testing again…

Sew…a needle pulling threeeeeaaaad

La…la la la la la laaaaaaaaaaa

Tea….Earl Grey kicks your lalalala

Yeah…just a test ya’ll.

