Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Don’t fear the crouton.

Dear fellow crouton eater.

It has come to my attention that you’ve become afflicted with what is commonly known as croutonseatlikechips disease.

Whatever you do. DONT PANIC!

This condition is unfortunately the product of combinations of common sense and the presence of tasty croutons (and often a noticeable lack of access to real potato chips). In rare cases, it is the direct result of another very serious affliction called youareahungrypregnantwoman.

Remember, this is very important. DONT PANIC!

Treatment for this affliction is simple. Eat croutons. Apparently Caesar and Italian Herb flavored remedy this problem on a fairly regular basis.


You See Andria Stanley. There IS hope. 🙂


Hands Down

By Dashboard Confessional

After a while it sinks in. All you have is your passion and the thread of hope that someone shares it with you. Finding that spark is a blast. Making sure that awesome feeling stays with you is only a matter of will. So many good things have happened to me while listening to this song I can’t help but think it’s a little more than luck 😉

Just a little RPG humor :)

I can’t help but have a little laugh.