Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Hacker movies…

…are most often the most inaccurate and flubbed up media pieces…ever.

So Natalie Tran did this video, and I have to share. It’s like justification, for those that don’t know her, Nat’s a vlogger that continually finds has these scenarios that we all go through but no one will admit to.

…or…it could just be ME and she’s totally making fun of me in those videos.

🙂 Anyhow, decide for yourself.

Personally I think sooner or later the movie studios are going to get someone with a clue on payroll to make things legit. But then, that would be real as opposed to reality tv eh ?

Sometimes people need to stop existing.

So as we all know, sometimes I have a major run-in with individuals we can only describe as…

Bible Thumpers.

Now I will keep the details to a moderate level..but this is how one portion went…

Bible Thumping Freaky Lady – “So you openly admit you are not a god-fearing Christian.”
ME – “I openly admit I do not fear your god, but if I were to fear something, it would likely be fanatic Christians.”
BTFL – *confused look*
ME – “I heard this once…’Laws alone can not secure freedom of expression; in order that every man present his views without penalty there must be spirit of tolerance in the entire population.’ ”
BTFL – *less-confused look* “Whoever said that was a very wise person.”
ME – “He believed in God too.”
BTFL – *smiles* “and who was that?”
ME- “The creator of the atom bomb.”
BTFL – “I think some time in church might really do you some good. You need to be saved.”

How to say the word ‘bugger’

So…there’s this thing I have to hear people say when I hear a British or Australian accent…”bugger”. I honestly use the word myself but it is SOOO much more fun hearing Brits and Aussies say it. Can’t tell I have a think for the accent eh? If you only knew…lol…I will have to make another post about that. Anyhow, two friends of mine in Brisbane (James and Danni) sent this to me some time ago…definitely recommend listening 😉

Just click on the little play button below.

