Al-Sadr calls for anti-U.S. protests to mark Baghdad’s fall
Powerful Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr is calling for an anti-American protest in the Iraqi city of Najaf on April 9, the fourth anniversary of the fall of Baghdad.
During normal lapses of insanity…
Powerful Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr is calling for an anti-American protest in the Iraqi city of Najaf on April 9, the fourth anniversary of the fall of Baghdad.
Bombers launched two deadly strikes Thursday in crowded Shiite marketplaces in Baghdad and a town north of Iraq’s capital, killing 119 people and wounding 171. At least 17 others died in other bombings and gunfire around the country.
In order to believe in Dembski\’s God, you have to consider yourself created incurably sick and then ordered on pain of death and eternal torture to be well.
In order to believe in Dembski\’s God, you have to consider yourself created incurably sick and then ordered on pain of death and eternal torture to be well.
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