Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

The High Road…

…is a fun place where you get to feel good about yourself, do the right thing for yourself and others as necessary.

The low road?

Thats when you’re too lazy a person to realize that people need your help.

No finger pointing, and I feel great about myself.

I know a couple others that should feel like absolute shit though.

😉 Rant over. Thanks for watching!!!


An old friend…

..just emailed me to get in touch last week. We have literally known each other since childhood, but havent kept in touch often over the years since college. The catching up on what’s been going on had started. Everything is fine….until something unique to what it known as a Frequent Occurance in TonyTown. I send a reply that is long, detailed and has loads of info on it.

And Hotmails proceeds to send 500 copies of this email to my friend…at her work email address. If there was anything deserving of an apology, it is being involved in bombing anyones email. I dont condone this in any manner and Hotmail is still “investigating” but they dont have anything to tell me outside that.


Rakis bound….

My first Rakis. This should be totally fun. And rumor has it, a special prize awaits…

This event is scheduled around….shit..I will enter it later.
*evil grin*