Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

My Trusty Pair of Uzi’s

The title says it all. What?! Tony?! with….guns?!


This pair of Uzi’s are as dear to me as my Sabres Cap. Why? Well…that’s the cool part. They are the means to an end. To what end?

They keep my dreams from getting too far out of hand.

When I was younger, I had serious night-terror problems. If you don’t know what they are, easiest to say that they are dreams that cause a person to go into a panic attack. They cause insomnia, schizophrenia, and loads of other stress related issues in people a lot more often than most realize.

Most people actually grow out of the problem, however with assistance the resolution to the problem is realized far far faster that without. What kind of assistance? Simple. Dream coaching. You may laugh now, but since learning the how-to’s, I haven’t had a night terror that put me even remotely out of sorts. Now, I am not talking about the removal of all nightmares ever. It doesn’t work that way. What the process does is either provide a medium for immediate resolution within the dream or reinforces the subconscious and stop scenarios that would cause panic altogether.

We’re talking about YOUR dreams. Your imagination, your fears, your ambitions. Your id. Your sub-conscious. You have to simply understand yourself a little and build on it. The process begins with finding an anchor. When you dream you’re going to try and find yourself wearing a certain piece of jewelry, certain clothes, a watch, a lucky rock…whatever…what it is doesn’t matter. Seriously, it should be something that doesn’t matter at all and wouldn’t help you in the least…even if you had MacGyver with you to get out of the situation. Something that just happens to be part of the picture you’re painting in your dreams.

From here, the foundation comes into being. You mind already knows it can create at a whim in the dream now. The next step is to simply make what you want in the dream. Learning control in your dreams is liberating. You can do what you want, when you want, where you want…and even with who you want **winkwink**. Your fears will always present themselves in your dreams, but now you’re capable of resolving your issues without therapy 😉

I know…it sounds hokey, but it worked for me, and a lot of others I’ve worked with on it. Questions? Give me a call and we can go over simple exercises to build on self control. They aren’t hard. Take care!


Seven U.S. troops killed in Iraq

Seven U.S. troops were killed in Iraq on Thursday, the U.S. military said on Friday.

26,000 U.S., Iraqi troops conduct offensive

About 26,000 U.S. and Iraqi forces are taking part in an offensive against al Qaeda in Iraq in northern Iraq, the U.S. military said on Thursday.