Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

…12 minutes to freedom.

It’s 12 minutes until I am off of work…

It’s that crucial time where you’re planning the rest of your day, All the good things you want to get done before passing out. The hugs, the cuddling, maybe even a few drinks in with some friends…whatever.

What do YOU do when its 12 minutes to freedom?


I have every intention of watching all my favorite premieres this week (DVR ROCKS!). I am going to make popcorn,and hop in the tub..relax…and prepare to get poked…prodded..and most likely scorned tomorrow morning at the doctor’s office (my bloodwork is in…the news probably isn’t so good.)



30+ Reasons it’s great here in TonyTown.

I couldnt help but turn this into a “Tony’s 2 Cents” thing after reading. There’s alot of opinion in here, if your’re offended…shit…I can’t say i apologize for being Me. **grin #1**

This is going into TonyTown as well, so feel free to link, copy, paste, and comment…whatever. 😉

Text of President Bush’s speech

Good evening. In the life of all free nations, there come moments that decide the direction of a country and reveal the character of its people.