Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

A new look…

I am upgrading WordPress this week to version 2.3

This means that you may see some seriously funky stuff…including the loss of my gallery again as I rebuild the blog site.

Be patient…should be fine.

World Banner Wars…

aka..My Swank-Ass Birthday & Peanut Gallery Party.

It’s started!!! I cant wait until Saturday…so many old friends. I’ve got a lunch to do on Friday that’ll let me spend some quality time with my Amtgard family. At the campground…400+ people there for nothing more than a good time…and the #1 Team Tourney in the organization.

You bet your ass there will be pics!


Why the big record labels should just die…

Island Records…You dumped Fefe Dobson.

You are officially tards.

I am gonna make my own label…just to pick up the badass artists you dump.

What on earth were you thinking?!