A new look…
I am upgrading WordPress this week to version 2.3
This means that you may see some seriously funky stuff…including the loss of my gallery again as I rebuild the blog site.
Be patient…should be fine.
During normal lapses of insanity…
I am upgrading WordPress this week to version 2.3
This means that you may see some seriously funky stuff…including the loss of my gallery again as I rebuild the blog site.
Be patient…should be fine.
aka..My Swank-Ass Birthday & Peanut Gallery Party.
It’s started!!! I cant wait until Saturday…so many old friends. I’ve got a lunch to do on Friday that’ll let me spend some quality time with my Amtgard family. At the campground…400+ people there for nothing more than a good time…and the #1 Team Tourney in the organization.
You bet your ass there will be pics!
Island Records…You dumped Fefe Dobson.
You are officially tards.
I am gonna make my own label…just to pick up the badass artists you dump.
What on earth were you thinking?!
Patience is temporary. Indifference is forever.
Patience is temporary. Indifference is forever.
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