Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Eggnog Rocks!

I would like to thank Renee and Gilli for having me over for the Christmas party…

I would like to thank Greg and Renee for whipping up a batch of the most knock-you-on-your-ass Eggnog I’ve ever tasted.

I would like to thank the woman who got me a gift card for The Body Shop…;)

I would like to thank Whitney for demonstrating why you shouldnt drink if you’re diabetic.

I would like thank Greg for the Hangover that the Eggnog left me with when I only had a relatively small amount ๐Ÿ™‚

๐Ÿ˜‰ Great party. Good Eggnog. Fun people!


Gates Arrives in Iraq; Bombs Kill 25

Upon the arrival in Iraq of Defense Secretary Robert Gates, four car bombs on Wednesday killed 25 people across the country

Iraqi refugees in Lebanon face crisis

A humanitarian organization has issued a report on the rocky predicament of Iraqi refugees in Lebanon, saying authorities in that Middle Eastern nation “arrest Iraqi refugees without valid visas and detain them indefinitely to coerce them to return to Iraq,”