Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Iraq set for new offensive in Mosul

Iraqi political and military leaders and U.S. military commanders have traveled to the northern Iraqi city of Mosul ahead of a planned offensive on al Qaeda in Iraq loyalists, according to a senior U.S. military source.


We all have enough good intention to know when helping is best. Some of us make it a responsibility, some of us feel obligated.

Sometimes even with forewarning, intention, and action, we find ourselves frustrated when the good intent never reaches fruition.

I was asked to talk to a friend…of a friend. She was in dire straights, and falling down fast and alarmingly close to permanently.

I did make the call, I sent the mail…but there was no response. This is where I stop understanding what happened…

Frustration is when the helping hand fails to get it’s chance.

She ended her life yesterday morning, and I can’t help but wonder if I had pushed a little harder, helped in some other manner right away…maybe she would have thought of a better way out.

Cat’s MySpace is HERE.
If you want to remember, just remember that there’s always help….always.


Joe Wagoner’s “Everyman” up for the big vote!!!

Joe’s poem mentioned in an earlier blog post, is up for a big vote (and potential award). If you read this, please take the time to read and vote for Joe’s prose.

Rate Joe’s poem here.

Thank you all for your support!!!
