Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Welcome to TonyTown!

So here you have it. My own little piece of the net. Over the past 14+ months I’ve been pouring my whims, missives, thoughts, desires, rants…even prose in. Well it wasn’t a mistake. You see the goal here is to make sure there is something here to remind me of all the details in my life that I wouldn’t have remembered years down the road, in a very similar manner to my hard copy journals (well, the ones that weren’t ripped off by various women over the years anyhow). Luckily for me a lot of material taken from me surreptitiously was in fact copied from other journals, so I managed to keep a lot of documentation intact.

Now as for the content. Well, it’s common knowledge I’m one of the luckiest and most cursed individuals you’ll ever know. The events surrounding my musings, or in some cases the events directly documented are ones that had a profound effect on me. I am opinionated, I am very opinionated…I am SERIOUSLY opinionated and it’s just your luck that I don’t like forcing those opinions on others.

So here, you get to see me rock and roll on topics. I don’t pull punches in person, but in person I don’t normally haul off and deck someone either. Here this is where I vent, self-analyze, brood, celebrate, and do anything else I damn well please. That said, if you don’t like something I say, tough toenails. Post a comment so I know for future reference and assume I will respect the opinion some time later after I figure out why on earth you would have dared differ from the opinion of the Lord of TonyTown.

To answer a recent question…yes, I am currently in the middle of writing a novel. It’s of the fantasy genre, pretty damn original and most importantly a dream of mine I am seeing to fruition. I will eventually drop a teaser here, as well as some background info etc, but for now, please just be content in knowing I am actually writing it.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy your time here.

– Tony Hunt
/ Sirrakhis
/ Godfodder
If you need to contact me, please use THIS


Okay…sometimes my prose evolves a bit and I tend to change pace. This isn’t a mistake. I prefer this. It’s me. Just as I move forward, my thoughts evolve, old practices become uselss to me in my desire for expression.

How’s about we rip Tony off…

So…it’s payday. Having managed to cut down on bills real nice, I wake up fresh and early ready for the new day, and say good-morning to Brandy (roomie’s girl) look for coffee…we have none…thats okay…I have the day off…I’m totally on cloud nine ya know?

So of course…I sit down in front of the computer…need to make sure. my bill are getting paid.

Now about Tony, I am hardly rich. I make decent money, but unfortunately it’s ME and my spending habits are horrible. Do I have savings? Sure. Do I have a checking account? Same place for over 5 years. Do I balance my books…heh riiiight. I make sure my bills get paid on time…I’m not looking for miracles here. Anyhow, so I logged into my bank account to find that I had yet again gone over. It happens with me. I’ll be the first to admit it, but then I notice the dating and timeline. These guys are insane.

DirecTV decided I had canceled my service and not only failed to notify me, they failed to send the return boxes for the equipment, and so decided they would not only bill my back account for early termination, but also for 3 receivers.


So my cable account has been credited out the yingyang….and poor me gets to sit around for a couple weeks because all his spending money for the next couple weeks just went to the rent.

Yeah I know…waaaaaah. I jsut neeed to vent.

