Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…


by 10Years

So I’ve found that tonight I am just going to stay home. Loads to write…loads to think about, lots to do around here. Most fo the friends are either out of town camping or at our local watering hole 😉 Maybe this song is striking me because it’s me…bleh…enjoy!

Lost Realist

by Trapt

A purpose, we might see it as the goal, or maybe a place to stop on a long road. There is a need…everyone gets it to a degree…that ambition to make or participate in something meaningful…to live a complete life…we can attribute it wanton ambition, desperation, or even simple, unbending belief in something that should happen. No take a snapshot of one average day. How many minutes do we sit and waste…wondering…hypothesizing…daydreaming. I of course and talking about myself, only being privy to the thoughts of a relatively small portion of some individuals’ thoughts. I wouldn’t claim to be an authority, simply running under the assumption that a significant larger portion of us are subject to the “ooooh Shiny!” syndrome than is actually made public…because if that isnt true…we have a whole planet full of sheeple that are only content to eat, sleep, mate, rinse and repeat. I guess what I think is that it’s expected to not DO anything to improve our standard of living…but it’s an utter travesty to not at the very least consider the feasibility of assisting in the endeavor. Am I wrong? Seriously?!

Shakespeare in the Park (Aug 2nd it is!!!)

There was an ultra-fast response to this by a majority of people.

We’re going to go for Shakespeare in the Park on Saturday, August 2nd.

If you’re definitely going, PLEASE let me know so I can get your tickets ahead of time so we can get in early and set up without 1000 people fighting over lawn space. As stated before, if you really insist on repaying me you can, but it’s not really necessary.

Also, we need to decide what we’re doing before hand and where to meet. Carpooling is a good thing for this as Samuell Grand Park can be a bit hard for parking availability…even with valet. I am thinking we all meet for some grillin or possibly my cooking. You guys let me know what you think!
