Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

God says you hold no virtue…

Let me start by saying this isn’t what the title implies….well…sort of. Allow me to explain.

A couple days ago…my stats engine tells me someone googled “god says you have no virtue”….and my awesome little patch of the internet came up 4th on the list.

One could easily rationalize this as a *good* thing right?


Okay…amusement over…back to holding no virtue.

The funniest phone message I’ve ever heard…

“The Douchiest Phone Message In History” – Watch more free videos


The back story on this is that a girl named Olga was out with her friends in the Marina district of San Francisco (known for being a popular hang out for douches), and she talked to this guy named Dmitri for all of two minutes. Then she gave him her card and said “give me a call.” The above is the messages he left. Listen to the whole thing, it just keeps getting better and better. I won’t even tell you my favorite parts because i don’t want to ruin anything. Just listen.

Anyone remember the movie Swingers? This is what happens when you get a guy who has zero experience with even maintaining a dialogue with women, and then give him the charm and finesse of a charging rhino. You’ll hear me make that joke alot about myself, but with this guy…wow…it’s not a joke.

2 U.S. troops killed by Iraq roadside bomb

A roadside bomb attack on Monday killed two U.S. soldiers in Baghdad, the U.S. military said.