Category: Randomosity…

During normal lapses of insanity…

Talking about Windows…

Yeah like I am not going to post this one ๐Ÿ˜‰ More IT funny!!!

Talking About Windows: Up All NightAwesome video clips here

My HHR…new pic.

So here she is…my baby! She likes meals primarily consisting of inexperienced drivers that think their V8 can race anything, kids in ginormous muscle cars that can’t drive, and people that have no idea how much I will go through to get to work fast.




Start of a crappy weekend…


It’s pretty soggy here. I am considering making a break for another state until the weather cleans up…work from wherever. Anyone want me to come visit? I still have to work and will have to be back in Dallas in time for a root canal. Can you see me teeming with excitement about coming back? Yeah, this is me being really happy about a root canal *not*.
