Being Libra…
Life becomes more complex today when others make demands on you in such a way that you cannot say “no.” Perhaps you don’t want to let them down. Maybe you know that if you come through for them now, you will be able to rely on them later. Whatever your reason for saying “yes,” don’t miss the chance to face your own fears while making a decision based upon your needs and not those of anyone else.
It’s time to overcome some old fears, Tony. Perhaps you have experienced a certain phobia in the past. Maybe you are afraid of flying. Perhaps you are afraid of dogs. Or maybe you dislike dark places, preferring to always leave the lights on. It could be a good day to start facing some of these fears. Find a way to focus on positive thoughts and emotions. You might consult a therapist or an understanding friend for some advice.
Facing fears is my pastime. Unfortunately, I have an allergy that tends to keep me indoors on many a perfect day…nearly developed into it’s own case of Spheksophobia. If you know me then you know I have no fear…you can hold a gun to my head and I’ll either laugh at you or take it from you and use it on you. Wasps though…it drives me absolutely crazy that one little sting from such a tiny little being will likely sign me up for an extended hospital stay and is just as likely to kill me if I don’t get medical attention right away. What kind of way to live is THAT?! So getting stung is on my very short but all-important avoid-if-at-all-possible list. I am not usually too bad about it but I turn into a wreck if I cant avoid or kill them quickly when they pay too much attention to me.
Is there a remedy to my fear? Sure…find something longer lasting and more effective than a respirator and epinephrine out the ying-yang…then I’ll not concern myself 😉
Seriously though…sometimes these horoscopes are so far off the mark it’s ridiculous…I don’t have much in the way of allergies, but getting stung isn’t just an inconvenience, it’s life threatening for me…ergo – I avoid it. Seems to me I have already taken the precautions necessary…epi-pens and making sure the right people know. I am Libran, which would of course necessitate a cavalcade of inner-debate to make a decision anyhow on this 😉