Tag: twitter

Twitter got DDoSed!! FB trips up!!

So, according to CNN and a host of other media sources…someone dropped us the bomb on Twitter.

…consequentially, job related performance around the world improved by 30%…even at Twitter πŸ˜‰

The reality of it is that someone must have been REAAALLY BORED. Now…I would like to be the first to make it clear who has to be behind such atrocities πŸ˜‰

I am totally betting on the Church of Scientology. Only they could have come up with the failed logic precipitating this kind of action…well…wait..I suppose a leet group of fearless script kiddies could have been trying to find something to do…and then said…”heh…dude…watch THIS!”

…but the style is just meh.

Seriously, CNN’s link is right here…as are others…..mostly are just a bunch of media outlets jumping on the chance to speculate what happened πŸ˜‰

Needs grammar check BADLY.

The article is entitled “Did Koobface Cause the Twitter DDoS Attack?”, but the article’s second line start with “So far, no reasons or methodologies for the attacks have surfaced.”

Titled…”Denial-of-service got Twitter. Is your network next?”
I don’t know…do you have a website that gets more than 44 million uniques a month?! THEN GET SCARED!!! (not really you’re not popular enough πŸ˜‰

…and….the winner is…bearing the most accuracy without grammar and unnecessary speculation is…….
“DDOS Attacks Crush Twitter, Hobble Facebook” A short, and very sweet little reminder that some 15 year olds can redefine the nature by which we define CBlocking. πŸ˜‰

Have Fun, Play Hard, but not on my swingset!

Ooooohh…wait I found humor!!!
The Real Reason Twitter and FB Went Down

Bad Twittermonkey!!

So…someone has posted on their blog…a list of things that annoy people on Twitter1
10 Stupid Mistakes On Twitter

There is a sort of unspoken line drawn in the sand it seems…and he’s found a decent amount of things done of Twitter that manage to annoy people when used too much.

I find that these types of lists are sometimes just content fillers, but this wasn’t…it was pretty legitimate , so I’ve linked back to him.

Here’s my comment – to start…

The Devils Advocate says,

“If you don’t like my music, my interesting quotes, my retweets of interesting news in Dallas and around the world, and most importantly a note telling my friends that I posted yet another rant about people that need to stop existing…save yourself some trouble and annoyances…don’t follow me. I am not tweeting for your particular brand of entertainment. ”

The Sympathizer says,

“…heh..I couldn’t think of anything to really sympathize on. I don’t follow people unless they are friends, news, or people I find interesting. If my tweets aren’t entertaining enough for you…well…there is a button for that ;)”

Don’t get me wrong, I understand the notion, I just find it a waste of my time to spend more than the time it takes to write this considering it.


Now, rather that concern myself with what everyone else likes about my tweets…I will comprise a list of things the Twitter user might do to enhance their experience on Twitter.

1. Decide what you want out of Twitter.
Are you looking to receive news or disseminate it…or both? Why? Well if you’re just using it to keep tabs on what friends are up to and get the latest news on your favorite hockey team…that’s easy…follow them. If you want to be able to send your updates only to those you chose to allow, then log into your Twitter account on the website, go to Settings, and near the bottom of the form you will see a check box labeled “Protect My Updates”. If you put a check-mark in there, then click on the “Save” button, from this point forward, your Twitter feed is subscribed to by permission only and not publicly advertised on the website. However, If your like me, and have a blog that you have fun writing in, and have even more fun since your friends actually read it…well..there’s a usefulness that Twitter really fills…it’s an awesome syndication feed…seriously. If I post to my blog, you can bet your grandma’s stinky socks thats I am going to auto-tweet the subject and a link to the article. This is my hobby, and people do actually follow me. Maybe not on a serious level but enough news feeds follow me that I am not going to stop.

2. Do not follow everything in the world immediately after signing up.
If you’re like me, and already very well versed in RSS2, you’re going to see Twitter as something just like a Feedburner, but cracked up and on ‘roids. If you don’t know what I am talking about…think of every feed on Twitter and a newspaper…now consider this…exactly how many newspapers do you really need to subscribe to? Me, I have a couple local news people subscribed, a few friends…and a couple people that do a really good job of keeping me from getting bored at work πŸ˜‰ No need for more. Since I don’t really have conversations directly with friends via Twitter (text messaging, IM, and cell phone usage galore), it’s easy for me to just post things I find interesting and let my friends IM or text me directly if they need more info or whatever. Anyhow I digress…if you add a hundred Twitter-Maniacs to your follow list the first day you’re going to really unhappy…we’re talking a-thousand-fleas-in-the-jockstrap unhappy.

3. Look for your favorite newscaster, or sports team, or public figure on Twitter. It’s best to find out their public twitter from their official website, as there are a TON of people on their way to being serial stalkers trying to be someone they are most definitely not. Read their feed first, then decide to subscribe to them…or not. I kindof lucked out and am subscribed to a few people that are amazingly good about posting things I am likely to be interested in reading about. I guess it gives me a feeling that I am a little bit more aware of the world.

4. Do not use Twitter tied in with other services or social networking websites – unless this functionality is specifically what you want. Reasoning? Simple, Facebook is a great example. If you Tweet a lot, you’re going to flood your friends NewsFeed on FB. This can go vice versa if you’re following a bunch of other people using twitter to update…you’re getting flooded.

5. Report abusive users actively. Unsolicited advertisers are my big pet peeve and get blocked and reported every single time I see them.

Anyhow, these things keep me pretty happy on Twitter. Enjoy.


Show 2 footnotes

  1. Per the Wiki monster, Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read each others’ updates, known as tweets. Tweets are text-based posts of up to 140 characters, displayed on the author’s profile page and delivered to other users – known as followers – who have subscribed to them. Senders can restrict delivery to those in their circle of friends or, by default, allow open access. Users can send and receive tweets via the Twitter website, Short Message Service (SMS) or external applications..
  2. RSS is an very widely used syndication in use by publishers on the internet. It follows a clear communication formula so that anyone with access to it can “subscribe” to it’s feed and thus receive updates based on the criteria bound in the URL and/or page the subscription points to. Essentially…it lets you follow subjects, authors, etc from any page or reader that supports it (most venues of subscription readers do).

Clay Shirky: How Twitter Can Make History

This went out in May…

…by George – I think he’s got it! I am getting to see a ton of traffic now on twitter…it’s actually almost as good and surfing the news websites themselves πŸ˜‰