Tag: The Bloggess

The Bloggess Totally H4X0R3D my site!!!

Well…sort of.


I did it.

But if Jenny (The Bloggess) had hacked my site. I am pretty sure it wold have looked just like this…

…only with more James Garfield all over the place 😉

If you’re really wondering what the hell I’m doing.


Just read more blogs. Laugh. Live….and hopefully smile a whole lot 😉

PS – This is the kind of random shite that goes on in my brain when I get bored. If you’re wondering where the links are in this post, use your mouse over some of the more proper nouns…the site might surprise ya 😉 Jenny actually created the banner though…so she sort of helped me help her hack my site…umm…sortof.

All the best people are broken.

They are.

Let me quote Jenny Lawson (aka The Bloggess) again,

“All the best people are broken.”

Let it sink in.

You see, earlier today. I read an article about how some morally retarded school staff (That would be Trae Wiygul(Principal), Rick Mitchell(Assistant Principal) and a couple other staff members from Itawamba Agricultural High School) first decided that they wouldn’t allow Constance McMillan to attend prom because she was lesbian. After taking the school to court the first time, the school was told to allow Constance to attend the prom. The school district’s response was to cancel prom outright.

It gets even better. These cretins didn’t actually cancel prom. The district elected not to participate in a Prom, but they sure as hell had one. With the assistance of parents the students had their own Prom while Constance and only a few others were directed to a “fake” prom.

This wasn’t a solution Mr. Wiygul…it is called Segregation, and it’s the kind of thing that gets the nation’s attention, and I am not talking about a surprise appearance by the Harlem Globetrotters. You just got outed as a group of spiteful and ruthless bigots that couldn’t even play nice when you got your hand slapped.

Mr. Wiygul. Here. In the USA, we don’t really care for that too much…it’s why we made it illegal. Because it is hateful and violates the First Amendment. Of course, you know this already, because that’s what the courts told you…and even after that, you held a fake prom for her. Wow asshole, that was mighty “nice” of you. I don’t think you were big enough assholes when you tried to ban her from prom…let’s rub it in after the courts tell you you’re wrong too!

Now. This venting DID in fact have a purpose. Because, as usual, after events like these..the moral injustice of what happened served only to make stronger those that were wronged. You see…after all that…Constance McMillan was quoted “”That’s the one good thing that come out of this, [these kids] didn’t have to worry about people making fun of them” referencing that the kids at the fake Prom. We all need that.

That is the clear difference in perspective and moral stance to not be insanely angry (like I am right now) when given the justification and opportunity.

My first inclination and action after reading about this was gather more info, find out who pulled this crap, and make all public. If you know me, this isn’t the kind of attention you want from me…but then I remembered reading something:

“All the best people are broken.”

Empathizing with so many people exposed to hate, to what I regard as “the ugly people”, to so many wrongs. I get to catch my breath, and stay my angst. Clarity brings with it the burden of truth..and very luckily, I am reminded of the high road…and change my direction.

Constance has gotten a LOT of attention, and all in a very positive light. She landed a pretty swank scholarship, got to go on a bunch of TV shows and mot importantly…she got to prove to everyone that empathizes with her experience that there is satisfaction in loving and being loved for who you are, and that satisfaction trumps the hell out of the poor decisions of the administration, students and faculty that went along with all these shenanigans when they knew they were wrong.

So cheers to Constance, for fighting for the right thing in a hard evil backwards situation.
…cheers to Jenny for letting me know about this and coming up with UBER powerful mind-splitting quotes.
..and cheers to all the broken people. You all give me clarity.


Jenny Lawson aka The Bloggess
Just Like Jesse James is selling some awesome t-shirts.
The Mecury News – Judge: No school prom but lesbian’s right violated
Huffington Post – Prom Shocker: Constance McMillan Invited to Fake Prom
La Figa – Hateful parents, teens conspire to throw fake prom…
HRC – Prom Shocker: Constance McMillan Invited to Fake Event…
The Advocate -McMillen: I Was Sent to Fake Prom

Getting the word out, help for Anissa.

Hope for Anissa is here, now there’s more than prayer necessary. She’s been to the brink and is now on the road to recovery, but she and her family still needs a lot of help.

From TheBloggess.com:

You’ve all heard me talking about my friend Anissa before. She’s amazing and she was once generous to me when she didn’t have to be so now I’m trying to do the same.
She’s one of us and is recovering from multiple strokes and after many months is finally coming home (yay!) but she’s currently hemiplegic and her copay for outpatient therapy is $100 a day for the next 40 days. She’s a mom with small children and they need help. That’s why I’m asking you to donate if you can. $10 is ideal but even $5 will help. And here’s what I’m giving back. See the sponsorship thing at the bottom of this post? Leave a comment below saying that you donated even a dollar and in two weeks I’ll pick one person at random and will pimp you (or the site of your choice) for free as the sponsor of the weekly wrap-up. Click here to donate directly to her family or if that link won’t work for you then you can paypal it to this address: anissa.mayhew@gmail.com.

Bottom line, if you have a spare $5 or $10. Please help them out.
