
Inspired by Soldier of the Mist, by Gene Wolfe …Very recommended reading. The story is one of the oldest written in existence, shedding light on the daily life of a soldier likely of Greece (or close to it). Read away!!

Imagine waking every morn
…to bear no burden save that of reading your own thought.

Every morn a new world
…to see the world through a child eyes, and fear naught.

New Worlds emerge, waking from a fog
…to hear the dance of deities, the music of nature.

A fog cloud the life before
…and touch brings wonders and wisdom as god among nadir

To be a prophet, a saint, and sinner
…then walk among the pious as brother and betrothed

Sin fast among them and be praised
…fight as one with a passion, blessed to never balk

Be praised and looked upon with pity
…sleep as the babe and wake again a novice of all

Pity not that man allowed to live in innocence
…teach yourself wisdom, yet from your own wisdom written

Dine among those endeared to preserve you
…fell the angels, fell the monsters, search out the gods

You may wonder and be wistful, sleep cleanses, wake to morning’s dew
…Find your life inspired by your own words another author

Do the gods offend, or do I…and when shall I be through?
…Sleep again, search for the gods, and make them an offer?

Through that life, god-blessed and monster-ridden, pages emerge
…Wake to find your life still livable, yet moreso with friends’ proffer.

I might not be done with this yet. not sure, the book is rather well translated and is in its own right – a lexicon of wisdom. More later???? Mayyybe!