About the last few days…

Well it’s easy to say fear is the mind killer. There are people walking this earth that will mean so much to you, but also mean fire. You don’t stop trusting, you simply stay away from the fire, being wary of getting burned. Such is the case for a very VERY old and dear friend. A decent number of gossips and drama queens went through a lot of trouble to make believe we shouldn’t even consider speaking, much less renewing a friendship that albeit haunted both of us for a long long time.

That said…it is absolutely amazing how years of contention have melted away in a few days. I have my friend back…and the universe seems far more balanced than it did only a week ago. There is still a lot for us to get out of the way…we’re different people now…but after talking, it’s like getting the use of my left arm back. It’s taken a damn long time but a sense of completion is there and now we’re just being the friends we wished we never lost. Mushy eh? Deal with it.

There were a few posts made earlier over the past week that are being removed from public access. I wanted my friend back, not a daily reminder of the frustration we felt over all this crap, and no offense, but I am not entirely hip on all the splogs and spiders newscasting this aspect of my life to millions. When i am famous…sure, but until then, I think i am going to sleep a little better knowing some of my heart isnt on public display.

